Use in dogs
- Glucosamine very successful in dogs with osteoarthritis and dysplasia
- Results even better than in people
- No placebo effect
- Popular due to high quality of products for human use
- Nevertheless cheaper than speciality products in pet shop
- Also appropriate for horses and cats
Glucosamine sulphate
180 capsules of 750 mg
Chondroitin sulphate
180 capsules of 600 mg
Glucosamine and chondroitin are very appropriate for treating dogs with osteoarthritis and/or hip dysplasia. The supplements:
- protect the cartilage and joints from further degeneration
- counteract the pain
- improve mobility and joint lubrication
Many thousands of our customers give glucosamine and chondroitin to their dog and the experiences are often very good ones. The general impression is that these supplements have even better results for them than for people!
Old dogs that could hardly get out of their basket any more have been able to go for walks with their owner and run and jump around like young dogs. Not every dog reacts to the treatment in this way; results vary. But their owners are in general very enthusiastic about the results. The chance of benefit is about 80-90% (in people it is 60-70%).
Read more below about the effect on osteoarthritis.

The fact that our supplements are tailored to human use is not seen as a problem; conversely, it is a recommendation. Many customers, including dog breeders and owners of dog training centres, choose our products because they fulfil the very high requirements which apply to human use. They know that quality is assured.
Nevertheless, our supplements are much better priced than most of the products from producers that concentrate on animals. The knowledge that people will do anything for their dog results in excessively high prices.
In spite of those high prices, the dosages of speciality products are regularly too low. With us, your dog will receive the proper dosage. Our labels indicate the dosage for people, but you can see below at 'Contents and information for use' which dosage applies to your dog.
Young dogs
Dogs used for breeding or young dogs with a genetic predisposition have a high probability of developing hip dysplasia and thus osteoarthritis. Glucosamine and chondroitin can be used preventively in order to reduce the probability of joint complaints developing, or in order to limit their severity.
Our recommendation is to wait until the dogs have passed the puppy stage before administration. In small breeds, the puppy stage lasts about a year and in the larger breeds about a year and a half. By then the bones and joints will be mature.
There are no indications that glucosamine and chondroitin can prevent hip dysplasia from developing, but they can prevent the joint cartilage from being quickly damaged by the pressure of the badly formed bones.

Contents and information for use
180 capsules.
Ingredients per capsule:
- Glucosamine sulphate (750 mg)
- Potassium chloride (255 mg, as stabilizer)
- Vitamin C (6 mg)
- Magnesium stearate
- Gelatin (capsule)
- Caramel natural colouring (capsule)
Glucosamine is extracted from shellfish.
180 capsules.
Ingredients per capsule:
- Chondroitin sulphate (600 mg)
- Vitamin C (6 mg)
- Magnesium stearate
- Gelatin (capsule)
Chondroitin is extracted from bovine cartilage.
The dosage depends on the dog's weight.
- Up to 7.5 kg: 1/3 of a capsule per day (you can open the capsule by separating the two halves and mix a third part of the powder with the feed each day)
- 7.5-15 kg: 1 capsule every two days
- 15-30 kg: 1 capsule per day
- 30-40 kg: 1-2 capsules per day
- 40 kg and more: 2 capsules per day
- Up to 7.5 kg: 1/3 of a capsule per day (you can open the capsule by separating the two halves and mix a third part of the powder with the feed each day)
- 7.5-15 kg: 1 capsule every two days
- 15-30 kg: 1 capsule per day
- 30-40 kg: 1-2 capsules per day
- 40 kg and more: 2 capsules per day
All the capsules may be given simultaneously - it is not necessary to spread the intake throughout the day. There is no difference in effect.
It is important though that the dog takes the capsules together with the feed. They may be mixed whole with the feed, since the dog will probably eat the capsules along with the feed in this way. If this is not the case, it is possible to open the capsules and sprinkle the powder onto the feed.
Side effects
Glucosamine and chondroitin do not have any serious side effects even when taken long term.
The mild side effects which occur in some dogs (an estimated 5%) reflect gastrointestinal hypersensitivity. Excess gastric acid, constipation, or conversely diarrhoea are the usual effects in those cases. This can in general be prevented by giving the capsules together with the feed.
Expiry date
Best before: 05-2027
Best before: 06-2027
For me and for my old cat
A magical effect on our older dog
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Older horses or horses that are heavily loaded can develop osteoarthritis. This crippling disease can even result in lameness. It is possible to greatly slow down the progression of the cartilage wear and tear by using glucosamine and chondroitin. The consequences of the disease, such as pain and listlessness, can also be treated very effectively.
The dosage is high. For a 500-600 kg horse it is three times as high as for people. This means a dosage of 6 capsules (4500 mg) of glucosamine per day. This supplement is often already very effective. If desired, chondroitin can also be supplemented, also 6 capsules (3600 mg) per day. This increases the chance of benefit.
The capsules may be administered simultaneously or distributed throughout the day. This can be done by placing them directly in the horse's mouth or by mixing them with the feed.
Even old cats can sometimes develop osteoarthritis. There is a lot of experience with glucosamine in dogs with osteoarthritis, but still very little in cats. There is no reason to assume that cats will not react just as well as dogs to treatment with glucosamine. But due to the modest amount of experience, the dosage is not easy to determine.
In a dog, the dosage is about 200 mg of glucosamine per 5 kg of body weight. In cats, it is preferable to employ a somewhat lower dosage, 150 mg per 5 kg. Hence you can calculate the dosage for your cat yourself.
Those 150 mg are 1/5 of a 750 mg capsule of glucosamine. The capsule can be opened easily by separating the two halves, after which the amount of powder required can be sprinkled on the feed. Do not worry if there is slightly more on one day and slightly less the next.