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Independent laboratory testing

We send each supplement to an independent laboratory every year since 2005. For several years now, the laboratory has been NutriControl, which specializes in the analysis of food and dietary supplements. The laboratory tests our supplements for pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead (heavy metals) and fungi and bacteria (microbiology). All the results are published on our website. See the list below for the latest test results. 

The safety of dietary supplements depends on the selection of ingredients. We therefore always look for the most highly regarded suppliers. Although we have great faith in our suppliers, we carry out independent testing as well in order to verify for ourselves that the safety is assured. So that we in turn can guarantee safety to our customers. 

All these years the results have been very good. Since 2005 there has never been a result in which the product did not comply with legal requirements. The concentrations of pollutants are always far below the limit (tens to hundreds of times lower). Usually they are so low that they cannot even be detected with the extremely sensitive laboratory equipment. 

For us, this repeatedly confirms that we have made the right choice of suppliers. 

Read below how to interpret the results.

Explanation of the test results: 

Heavy metals 

The concentrations of the heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead are usually so low during the tests that they cannot even be detected with the extremely sensitive laboratory equipment. If the values are below the detectable limit, the test result is '<' or 'less than'. In reality the value is usually several times lower still. 

Legal requirement for heavy metals: 

  • For arsenic + cadmium + lead + mercury, the maximum total content is 10 mg/kg or 10 ppm (parts per million). 

Example of a good test result: 

  • Arsenic: < 0.1 mg/kg
  • Cadmium: < 0.05 mg/kg
  • Mercury: 0.01 mg/kg
  • Lead: < 0.05 mg/kg 

For this result, the total sum is less than 0.21 mg/kg, which is one-fiftieth of the permitted level. But since the values are all below the detectable limit, the actual concentrations are probably several times lower. 


The results of the microbiological profile, the pollution due to fungi and bacteria, also show that the concentrations are often lower than the detectable limit of the sophisticated laboratory equipment. 

Legal requirement for the microbiological profile: 

  • Aerobic plate count: less than 10,000 colony-forming units (CFU) per gram
  • Escherichia coli plate count: absent/below detectable limit
  • Yeasts & moulds plate count: less than 300 CFU per gram
  • Salmonella: absent/below detectable limit 

Example of a good test result: 

  • Aerobic plate count: 200 CFU/g
  • Escherichia coli plate count: < 10 CFU/g
  • Yeasts & moulds plate count: < 10 CFU/g
  • Salmonella: absent/below detectable limit


July 12, 2024 NutriControl-2024058066-V01

Natural Multi

Natural Multi
July 12, 2024 NutriControl-2024058050-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064639-V01
May 30, 2022 NutriControl-2022057764-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051624-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049064-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031099-V01
July 20, 2018 NutriControl-2018064857-V01
August 18, 2017 NutriControl-2016040610-V01
May 27, 2016 NutriControl-2016040610-V01

Magnesium & Taurine

Magnesium & Taurine
July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058055-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064594-V01
May 30, 2022 NutriControl-2022057750-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051587-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049058-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031155-V01
January 11, 2018 NutriControl-2018004819-V01
February 8, 2017 NutriControl-2016097526-V02


July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058056-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057752-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051600-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049055-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031107-V01
July 20, 2018 NutriControl-2018064865-V01
August 18, 2017 NutriControl-2016040607-V01
May 27, 2016 NutriControl-2016040607-V01

Vitamins D3 & K2

Vitamins D3 & K2
July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058057-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064565-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057816-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052127-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049062-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031115-V01
April 26, 2018 NutriControl-2018037935-V05
January 6, 2017 NutriControl-2017001672-V01


July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058064-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064599-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057813-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051620-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049061-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031077-V01
July 20, 2018 NutriControl-2018064863-V01
August 18, 2017 NutriControl-2016040606-V01
December 15, 2016 NutriControl-2016040606-V01


July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058069-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064615-V01
May 30, 2022 NutriControl-2022057781-V01
March 17, 2021 NutriControl-21007690001-V01

Glucosamine powder

Glucosamine powder
July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058070-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064596-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057809-V01
December 1, 2019 NutriControl-2019124392-V01

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10
July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058074-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064600-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057748-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052138-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049045-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031124-V01
April 26, 2018 NutriControl-2018037941-V05


July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058080-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064563-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057798-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051591-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049050-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031085-V01
July 20, 2018 NutriControl-2018064846-V01
August 18, 2017 NutriControl-2016040605-V01
June 15, 2016 NutriControl-2017071877-V01

LongLife Box

LongLife Box
July 3, 2024 NutriControl-2024058332-V01
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064595-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022058086-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052848-V01
January 17, 2020 NutriControl-2020004936-Softgels


September 4, 2023 NutriControl-2023093331-V01

Natural Vitamin C

Natural Vitamin C
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064562-V01
May 30, 2022 NutriControl-2022057787-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052122-V01
October 9, 2020 NutriControl-2020101184-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031067-V01
January 11, 2018 NutriControl-2018004811-V01
February 8, 2017 NutriControl-2016097522-V02


June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064564-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057818-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051622-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049046-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031058-V01
July 20, 2018 NutriControl-2018064862-V01
August 18, 2017 NutriControl-2016040609-V01
May 27, 2016 NutriControl-2016040609-V01


June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064566-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057763-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052146-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049054-V01
May 15, 2019 NutriControl-2019049357-V01

Vega Booster

Vega Booster
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064592-V01
February 14, 2022 NutriControl-2022007250-V01

Natural Vitamin B

Natural Vitamin B
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064616-V01
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022059187-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052131-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049060-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031059-V01
April 26, 2018 NutriControl-2018037928-V05
February 8, 2017 NutriControl-2016097521-V02

Omega-3 Algae

Omega-3 Algae
June 6, 2023 NutriControl-2023064636-V01
June 5, 2022 NutriControl-2022057783-V01

ASU Forte

ASU Forte
June 1, 2022 NutriControl-2022057800-V01
May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021051652-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020049051-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031095-V01
July 20, 2018 NutriControl-2018064852-V01
August 17, 2017 NutriControl-2017071845-V01
May 25, 2016 NutriControl-2016040608-V01


May 6, 2021 NutriControl-2021052111-V01
April 30, 2020 NutriControl-2020048970-V01
March 21, 2019 NutriControl-2019031100-V01
July 21, 2018 NutriControl-2018065445-V01
July 19, 2018 NutriControl-2018064866-V01
August 28, 2017 NutriControl-2017056892-V01
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