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Natural Multi
Home   >   Immune system   >   Natural Multi

90 capsules of 137 mg

45 day supply

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Natural Multi

  • With real natural vitamins
  • Free of synthetic vitamins
  • No excessively high dosages
  • Free of the potentially harmful minerals iron and chromium
  • Good absorption due to olive oil base
A multivitamin that you choose for what it does, and doesn't contain!

90 capsules of 137 mg

45 day supply

- Contents and dosage
Home   >   Immune system   >   Natural Multi

The sensible multivitamin

Natural Multi is a unique multivitamin and mineral supplement, loaded with genuine, natural vitamins and free of unnatural synthetic vitamins. It is a supplement that only provides useful vitamins and does not unnecessarily overload the body. 

The strengths of Natural Multi: 

  • Contains real natural vitamins and pro-vitamins, extracted from plant sources.
  • In addition, it contains a high and meaningful dosage of vitamin D3 from lanolin (wool grease).
  • Does not contain excessive (dangerous) dosages of vitamins and minerals.
  • Contains a sensible selection of minerals.
  • Has cold pressed extra virgin olive oil as a base, which ensures a proper absorption of fat soluble vitamins.
  • Is not harsh on the stomach and intestines

Natural Multi also distinguishes itself with what it does not contain: 

  • Free of synthetic vitamins which are suspected to cause cancer, and increase the general mortality risk.
  • Free of potentially harmful iron minerals. Iron in supplements can cause gastrointestinal disturbances and excessive oxidative stress.
  • Free of potentially harmful compounds of the mineral chromium, which is linked to causing DNA damage.
  • Free of non-essential herbs which can negatively affect the tolerability of the supplement or negatively interact with medications.
  • Free of gluten, milk, lactose and artificial aromas and colourants.

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The dangers of synthetic vitamins

Is your approach to taking a dietary supplement: "it won't hurt to try"? You could be in for a surprise. There are plenty of indications that vitamin and mineral supplements can sometimes have a negative influence on health. You take a multivitamin in order to stay healthy. So you obviously do not want the opposite effect! 

Exercise physiologist Kris Kuiper created the Natural Multi supplement. The development of this natural supplement turned into a project which took a few years' work. It originated in an experience he had while carrying out research in the '90s. In that study, the extent to which synthetic vitamins could protect the skin against aging due to UV radiation was tested. The outcome was a shock: the synthetic vitamins had exactly the opposite effect. 

For Kuiper, this was the first encounter with the negative side of synthetic vitamins. In the meantime, the negative effects that these vitamins can sometimes have has been exposed in much larger studies. The harmful effects of vitamins only seem to occur with synthetic vitamins and/or very high dosages. Natural vitamins as they are found in food, consumed in normal quantities, are on the other hand quite innocent and even essential for good health. This knowledge has become the basis for Natural Multi. 

Read more below about the dangers of synthetic vitamins and of dosages that are too high.

'More is better' does not apply to vitamins

What is the issue with synthetic vitamins? First of all, there is the fact that they usually come in very high dosages. That's because synthetic vitamins are very cheap to produce. A high-dose supplement is therefore hardly more expensive than a low-dose vitamin pill. 

And many people think 'more is better'. A company that makes a higher dosage supplement than the competition generally has a marketing advantage that shouldn't be underestimated. For that reason companies compete among each other by offering supplements with a higher and higher dosage. 

It's clear now that those high dosages can indeed be dangerous.* A high dosage of Vitamin B6 may damage the neural pathways for instance. The safe limit for Vitamin B6 was recently set at 25 mg per day. That is four times less than in many B-complex strong supplements and twice as less than in many 'luxurious' multivitamins. 

Fundamental difference between synthetic and natural vitamins 

In addition to how easy it is to make high dosage synthetic vitamins there is a more fundamental problem. The chemical structure of most of the synthetic 'factory vitamins' is not completely equal to that of natural vitamins. In other words: in many cases synthetic vitamins do not have the same molecules as natural vitamins! 

The effect of a vitamin is linked to the shape of its molecule. That means that the effect of a wrongly formed synthetic vitamin may be different compared to the natural vitamin which they substitute. Besides, the 'incorrect' molecules may well be the cause of side-effects because they don't exactly fit in the metabolic processes for which they're needed. 

For example, epidemiological studies found a link between the use of supplements with synthetic vitamin-E and a slightly increased mortality rate. Such an epidemiological study doesn't really provide any hard scientific evidence though. It does signal that there could be something not quite right. 

Another example is folic acid. The human body should be able to convert synthetic folic acid in an active vitamin. However, not everyone converts it equally efficient. Therefore synthetic folic acid could be built up in the body. Which impact synthetic folic acid has on the human body isn't entirely clear. But there are strong indications that a folic rich diet reduces the risk of cancer, while it's been proven many times that synthetic folic acid increases the risk of cancer. 

Does your multivitamin contain natural vitamins? 

The probability that a multivitamin is free of synthetic vitamins is extremely small. Yet there are many multi-vitamins on the market that are falsely advertised as 'natural vitamins'. We will explain how this is possible: 

1. 'Natural' is not a regulated term 

We start with the most obvious example. There are companies that simply refer to conventional synthetic multivitamins as 'natural'. This has been happening for many years. The word 'natural' is not regulated. 

Furthermore, we must add that some vitamins can be completely naturally replicated. If that's the case, and the dosage isn't too high, such a synthetic vitamin can be used safely. However, entirely identical natural synthetic multivitamins do not exist. In fact, most vitamins cannot be replicated identical to nature.

2. 'Whole Food Vitamins' with synthetic vitamins 

There are 'natural' multi-vitamins, which are also touted by the term 'whole food vitamins'. These vitamin supplements often consist of fruit and vegetable concentrates and synthetic vitamins. Unfortunately, mixing synthetic vitamins with a (small) amount of fruits and vegetables doesn't make it natural. Therefore it's not entirely clear to the consumer that most of the vitamins are synthetic in such a supplement.

3. Synthetic vitamins processed by yeast cells 

Synthetic vitamins are sometimes added to yeast cells. The idea is that the yeast cells will absorb the synthetic vitamins and process them so that are more like the vitamins in real food. Subsequently the yeast cells are processed in a food supplement that gets the label 'natural vitamins'. Sometimes this type of vitamin is referred to as 'fermented vitamins'. Consumers tend to get the false impression that it's about natural vitamins. 

The inclusion and effect of yeast cells in the processed synthetic vitamins is supposedly better than that of the normal synthetic vitamins. However, we don't have any evidence that yeast cells can convert vitamin isomers to natural forms.

4. Natural vitamin-containing raw materials enriched with synthetic vitamins

And finally there are the so called natural vitamin supplements that supposedly only contain natural processed raw materials. For example, a vitamin C supplement based on a berry extract or cod liver oil that is a good natural source of vitamin A and D. 

Unfortunately, synthetic vitamins are added in most cases. It is not that the maker of the supplement has added synthetic vitamins, it's often done by the producer of the raw material. In order to give the raw materials a higher concentration of vitamins or a nicely rounded off vitamin content, synthetic vitamins are mixed with raw materials. 

The raw material producer offers his 'enriched' product as a 'source of natural vitamins'. The raw materials are indeed a natural source of vitamins, but an unknown part of it is still a synthetic additive. Note that the raw material producer mentions the addition in its technical documentation, so it's not a secret. 

The company that compiles the supplement by using these raw materials also adheres to the rules. However, the supplement maker does not need to mention a synthetic vitamin as an ingredient but merely as an enriched raw material that he got from the raw materials producer or the middleman. He only mentions plant extract X as an ingredient, for instance. The supplement may then be presented, without falsehoods, as 'source of' natural vitamins. Remember, the extract also contains natural vitamins. 

Natural Multi is different! 

About our Natural Multis we are clear: this special supplement contains only natural vitamins from plant extracts that are not enriched with synthetic vitamins. It also contains the specially prepared vitamin D3 from the fat of sheep wool (lanolin). More information about the features and origin of each of the vitamins and minerals can be found below.

* Not all high doses of synthetic vitamins are harmful. A very high dosage of vitamin B12 for instance may be a solution for someone who has trouble absorbing the B12 Vitamin.

Quality of Natural Multi


GMP certified

Laboratory tested

Specialist since 2000

By choosing Natural Multi, you are choosing quality. We can guarantee it in the following way: 

Natural product. Natural Multi exclusively contains natural ingredients and is free of synthetic substances. It is therefore free of the unnatural mirror images of vitamins, which can be unhealthy. It does not contain the potentially dangerous minerals iron and chromium either.

Safe product. The producers of the ingredients fulfill GMP and HACCP requirements. This means that they follow strict procedures which ensure food safety and hygiene. 

Independently tested. The end product is randomly tested for heavy metals and biological pollutants by the independent laboratory NutriControl. Click on the microscope symbol below for the most recent test results. Read more about the independent laboratory tests here.

Specialist since 2000. is a specialist in dietary supplements. The company was founded in 2000 by exercise physiologist and human movement scientist Kris Kuiper and has developed several unique supplements since then. Plenty of knowledge and experience is available about the effect and the safety of these supplements. 

  • Natural product
  • Non-synthetic
  • Safe product: produced by companies which are GMP and HACCP certified
  • Independently tested for quality by NutriControl laboratory
  • Specialist in joint supplements since 2000
Independently tested for quality by NutriControl laboratory


Natural Multi


Tania Martins, March 11, 2022
Fantastic product!
Natural Multi

I find it very effective

Marina Zoni, April 25, 2021
I have been taking Arthro-5 for a few years now and I find it very effective.
Natural Multi

Very energized

Nataliya Naugle, April 25, 2020
I felt very energized while taking these vitamins, will continue ordering them.
Natural Multi

I wouldn’t take anything else

Simon Ayling, June 25, 2018
Great multivitamin. I strongly recommend it. I feel so much better and am completely in balance. I wouldn’t take anything else!
Natural Multi

Body doesn’t go haywire

Roger Bjerre, June 4, 2018
I have tried many multivitamin supplements. There was always something in them that made my body go haywire. With these nothing bothers me. I’ve been taking them for a few weeks and am already starting to feel more energetic and better. I can truly recommend these to you.
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Contents and information for use


90 capsules each containing 137 mg of natural vitamins and minerals. 

Dosage per capsule: see table at the bottom of this page. 

An extensive description of the dosage, functions and origin of the vitamins and minerals is given further down on this page.


  • Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • Fish gelatin (capsule)
  • Vitamin-rich extracts (from acerola, tulsi or holy basil, lemon, guava, soybean oil, natto, blakeslea trispora, tagetes erecta and shiitake)
  • Minerals
  • Glycerol
  • Beeswax
  • Lecithin
  • Deactivated yeast
  • Caramel*
  • Bamboo extract
  • Vitamin D3 from lanolin

* The capsule shell is coloured with a small amount of caramel in order to protect the vitamins from light. This is the safe version of caramel, E150a, without additives. 

Allergens: fish, soybean oil.

Free of gluten, milk, lactose and artificial aromas and colourants.


The recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day. 

The capsules may be taken simultaneously or distributed throughout the day. Preferably take halfway through a meal containing fat. This promotes the absorption of the vitamins and minerals. 

Do not surpass the maximum recommended dosage. 

Dietary supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. A balanced diet contains enough vitamins. 

Do you have difficulty swallowing capsules? If so, you can pierce the soft capsules with a needle. Then you can squeeze the contents out of the capsule and mix them with food.


The vitamin K2 present in Natural Multi can have an influence on the action of certain blood thinners (vitamin K antagonists). Do not take this supplement in combination with this type of medication without consulting a doctor. 

Other blood thinners such as aspirin do not pose a problem.

Composition, dosage and origin

Natural Multi is unique in the world. We do not know of another multivitamin which is 100% natural and completely free of synthetic substances, iron, chromium, and other potentially harmful ingredients. The development of this natural supplement by exercise physiologist Kris Kuiper took more than three years. 

The time was spent on extensive study of the scientific literature in order to select the necessary ingredients and determine the correct dosages, and on a quest for the non-synthetic forms of these ingredients. Especially the latter was very time-consuming. In addition, reliable producers had to be found. 

You can read more about the end result below - the ultimate composition, dosage, effect, and origin of the Natural Multi ingredients.


Per capsule: 280 mcg Provitamin A, 35% RDA

Functions of natural vitamin A (beta-carotene)

Vitamin A contributes to the preservation of: 

  • A healthy immune system
  • A good eyesight
  • A healthy skin
  • Healthy mucous membranes
  • A normal iron metabolism
  • A normal protein metabolism 

In addition, vitamin A provides: 

  • Protection of cells from oxidative damage 

Amount and source of natural vitamin A (beta-carotene) in Natural Multi

Natural Multi contains no preformed vitamin A (retinol). Contrarily, hand this supplement contains pro-vitamin A also known as beta-carotene. The human body partially converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. 

Natural Multi contains 3.36 mg beta-carotene per daily dosage. This means that the average person forms 560 micro grams of vitamin A. This is equal to 70% of the recommended daily value (RDA) of vitamin A. 

We extract the beta-carotene from the fungus Blakeslea Trispora. Besides natural beta-carotene, this particular algae offers four other major natural carotenoids: alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin!


Per capsule: Vit. B1 - 1.65 mg (150% RDA), Vit. B2 - 1.5 mg (107% RDA), Vit. B3 - 2.55 mg (16% RDA), Vit. B5 - 2.95 (47% RDA), Vit. B6 - 1.65 mg (118% RDA), Vit. B9 / B11 - 52 mcg (26% RDA), Vit. B12 - 1.25 mcg (50% RDA)

Functions of natural vitamin-B complex 

The group of B vitamins is a collection of water-soluble vitamins. The features of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate (B9 / B11) and B12 in the Natural Multi are as follows: 

  • Energy production
  • Maintaining normal physiological functioning of
    - The heart
    - The nervous system
    - The blood
    - The hormones
    - The immune system
    - The skin
    - The mucous membranes
    - The cell division
  • Maintaining normal iron metabolism
  • Maintenance of regular protein metabolism
  • Protection of DNA, proteins and cells against oxidative damage 

Amount and source of natural vitamin B complex in Natural Multi 

The daily dose (per 2 capsules) of a total of over 20 milligrams of natural B vitamins is provided by 150 mg extracts of Tulsi, Lemon and Guava. Aside from the vitamins the extracts contain tons of natural substances that protect the vitamins and support their effect. The  vitamin B12 has been extracted from shiitake.

The various B vitamins are dosaged as follows (per capsule): 

  • Vitamin B1 - 1.65 mg - 150% RDA
  • Vitamin B2 - 1.5 mg - 107% RDA
  • Vitamin B3 - 2.55 mg - 16% RDA
  • Vitamin B5 - 2.95 mg - 47% RDA
  • Vitamin B6 - 1.65 mg - 118% RDA
  • Folate (vitamin B9 / B11) - 52 mcg - 26% RDA
  • Vitamin B12 - 1,25 mcg - 50% RDA 

Note: Because we work with plant extracts there are natural inconsistencies in the vitamin levels. The amounts listed above are the minimum quantities.


Per capsule: 40 mg, 50% RDA

Functions of natural Vitamin C 

Vitamin C plays several important roles in the human body. Vitamin C is involved in the following processes: 

  • Energy production
  • Reducing fatigueness
  • Production of collagen for the maintenance of normal functioning joints, tendons, skin, bones, teeth and gums
  • Restoration of active vitamin E levels
  • General support of the immune system
  • Protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage 

Amount and origin of natural vitamin C in Natural Multi 

Acerola is the source of our natural vitamin C. This fruit contains high concentrations of this vitamin. The extract of the fruit also contains naturally occurring rutin (vitamin P), ascorbigen and choline in addition to vitamin C. 

Natural Multi contains a daily dose (per 2 capsules) of 80 mg natural vitamin C from 160 mg of concentrated fruit extract. This is 100% of the recommended daily value.


Per capsule: 0.72-1.8 mg, 6-15% RDA 

Functions of natural vitamin E 

Our body uses oxygen to burn fats and carbohydrates in order to produce energy. In addition, the body also uses other components to regulate various processes. Many so-called 'oxidative processes' take place in our body. But there are a few reactive molecules released during those oxidative processes that can be harmful to the body. The damage that's caused is called 'oxidative stress'. 

In order to reduce the damage caused by reactive molecules the body uses anti-oxidants. Vitamin E is such an anti-oxidant. The effect of vitamin E can be summarized as follows: 

  • Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress 

There are many antioxidants in our diet, but vitamin E is essential. That means that the body cannot function without this anti-oxidant. 

Amount of natural vitamin E in Natural Multi 

Vitamin E consists of various nutrients: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both of these categories have four variants: alpha, beta, gamma and delta. In our diet, tocopherols are found most. Tocotrienols are found in relatively few foods and when found, they are in very limited concentrations. 

Even though there are various forms of vitamin E, the amount of vitamin E in a vitamin supplement is only measured by the amount of alpha-tocopherol in the supplement. In most supplements (synthetic) alpha-tocopherol is also the only form of added vitamin E. Natural Multi on the other hand contains all four tocopherols. Therefore it's a balanced source of vitamin E which is made up as follows: 

14% alpha-tocopherol*
2% beta-tocopherol*
60% gamma-tocopherol*
24% delta-tocopherol*

* Average values

Natural Multi contains a total daily dose (per 2 capsules) of 24 mg of naturally mixed tocopherols. 

Because the guidelines of vitamin E are only based on the content of alpha-tocopherol, we officially have 1.44 to 3.6 milligrams of 'vitamin E', which is noted as 12 to 30% of the RDA. 

Origin of natural vitamin E in Natural Multi 

The natural vitamin E in Natural Multi is extracted from a variety of vegetable oils. 

Keep in mind that when a food contains 'vegetable oil' as an ingredient this usually means refined oil that is stripped of the substances that give it its natural color and fragrance. The good substances including vitamin E have largely disappeared. Sometimes Vitamin E is put back in synthetic form. It makes sense that such an oil doesn't have the same nutritional value as the original unrefined oil.


Per capsule: K2-MK7 15 mcg, 20% RDA 

Functions of natural Vitamin K2 

Vitamin K occurs naturally as vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. The human body can convert limited amounts of K1 to K2. The K2 variant is better and more versatile for the human body. Therefore proposals have been made to classify vitamin K2 as its own unique type of vitamin. 

Vitamin K1 and K2 are contributing to the following processes:

  • A normal coagulation (the letter K comes from the German word 'koagulation' or clumping).
  • Maintaining a healthy bone structure 

The influence on the bones is linked to the regulatory impact of vitamin K to the processing of the calcium mineral. In particularly the K2 variant regulates the calcium level in the bone tissue. When a body lacks this vitamin it's hard for the body to absorb the calcium in the bone structure and is then deposited in undesired areas. 

Origin of natural vitamin K2 in Natural Multi 

Vitamin K1 can be found in plants. As said, the much more effective K2 can be made from vitamin K1 by man to a certain extent. When more K2 is absorbed from food you'll see that the body is better able to regulate the calcium metabolism. 

Vitamin K2 is mainly found in fatty animal foods such as liver sausage, egg yolk and the skin of chicken (chicken wings/chicken legs). The K2 in these animal foods is of the subtype MK-4. 

In addition there are fermented foods that contain vitamin K2. The bacteria generate vitamin K2 in these foods. Fermented food products generally contain mainly vitamin K2 of the MK-7 sub-type. 

Vitamin K1 and K2 can be made synthetically. However, the natural vitamin K2 in Natural Multi comes from fermented soybeans (“Natto”). This vitamin K2 is of the MK-7 subtype. 

Amount of natural vitamin K2 in Natural Multi 

Natural Multi contains a daily dosage (per 2 capsules) of 30 micrograms of vitamin K2 of the MK-7 type. This corresponds to 40% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K. For proper absorption of vitamin K2 it is advisable to take Natural Multi with a meal that contains a fair amount of fat. For optimal absorption Vitamin K2 needs more fat than the two capsules can provide.


Per capsule: 12.5 mcg (500 iu), 250% RDA 

Functions of Vitamin D3 

The essential vitamin D3 contributes to the following processes:

  • Normal absorption and processing of the calcium and phosphorus minerals from food.
  • Normal functioning of the muscles
  • Supports the immune system
  • Maintains healthy bones and teeth
  • A healthy mitosis (cell cycle process) 

Is Vitamin D3 an actual vitamin? 

It is common knowledge that we absorb vitamins from food through the digestive system. In addition we know that our bodies cannot generate vitamins themselves. Vitamin D is one exception to that rule! In fact, you can produce plenty of Vitamin D yourself! 

The human body produces Vitamin D in the skin as soon as it is exposed to sunlight in summer time. Or more precisely: under the influence of ultra-violet rays of the B type (UVB) Vitamin D is formed from the substance 7-dehydrocholesterol which is present in the skin. 

When someone is exposed to the sun in a swimsuit or bikini they can produce 600 micrograms of vitamin D3 (or 24,000 'international units'). You'd have to sunbathe until your skin turns a very light pink color. For someone with fair skin it takes less than half an hour. 

600 micrograms of Vitamin D3 is more than 200 times the recommended daily value! Of course this natural mechanism will not give you a Vitamin D overdose. The beauty of the production of vitamin D3 from sunlight is that an excess of vitamin D is degraded immediately. Therefore the production can be maximized in a responsible way. 

Our body never gets too much vitamin D3. When exposed to sunlight for consecutive days, a large quantity of vitamin D3 is produced over and over again. After a while the vitamin production decreases somewhat as the skin tans. 

A person with a darker skin produces about four times less Vitamin D compared to a person with a fair skin. Therefore people who live in a higher latitude need more sunlight in order to reach a proper Vitamin D balance. 

Vitamin D3 can also be absorbed from food. However, food only has a very limited amount of Vitamin D3. There's a fair amount of vitamin D3 in some fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines and trout. Only a bit of Vitamin D3 can be found in milk and there's some in egg yolks. 

Due to the limited presence of Vitamin D in food, we are mainly dependent on sunlight in order to provide our bodies with this important Vitamin. Modern life unfortunately is primarily set in homes and buildings. Therefore we have a very limited exposure to direct sunlight than we used to. 

The advice to smear ourselves with sunscreen when we stay longer in the sun causes a deathblow to our vitamin D production. A cream with sunscreen factor of 8 reduces the production of Vitamin D twenty fold! Moreover, a glance at the shelves in the pharmacy shows that you can't even buy a factor 8 anymore. Most sunscreens are factor 20 or higher. By applying sunscreen vitamin production is almost completely paralyzed. 

There is not always a sufficient UVB radiation present in sunlight to make Vitamin D. An indicator is that the skin can only produce Vitamin D when the sun is high enough so your own shadow is shorter than your body length. During the fall and winter months the sun is too low to produce Vitamin D. You'll see that the Vitamin D concentration decreases as the winter progresses. 

A limited presence of vitamin D3 in our foods, the 'sabotage' of direct sunlight and the changing of the seasons is the reason why a lot of people choose a food supplement that contains Vitamin D3. 

Origin of vitamin D3 in Natural Multi 

For our Natural Multi we've looked into the possible natural sources of Vitamin D3. Due to the limited concentrations of Vitamin D3 in the relatively expensive animal food products, it's not possible to obtain a cost effective amount of Vitamin D3. Thankfully there is a clever solution to this problem. Where Vitamin D3 is produced in humans in the skin, it is produced in the fur or feathers of animals. Animals lick their fur or feathers to obtain the vitamin D3! The solution that we have now is to use the fat of sheep wool (lanoline) as a source of Vitamin D. 

To get the maximum yield of vitamins and a clean product, the cholesterol is extracted from the lanoline first. The cholesterol is then enzymatically converted into 7-dehydrocholesterol. This special form of cholesterol, which is also present in our skin, is then irradiated with UV-B light. This allows the formation of large amounts of vitamin D3! This process yields a natural extract that's identical to the vitamin D3 via natural UV-B radiation (cholecalciferol). The effect of this Vitamin D3 is therefore identical to the effect of Vitamin D3 that's generated in our skin. 

Our Natural Multi contains (per daily dosage of 2 capsules) 25 micrograms of vitamin D3 from lanoline per serving. This dosage is also described as 1,000 international units. An afternoon of sunshine will produce more vitamin D than the 1,000 units. But on an annual basis, a daily intake of 25 micrograms of vitamin D3 through our Natural Multi is an adequate supplement. Because the vitamin is dissolved in oil, it's much better absorbed than a dry capsule or tablet.



We have explained why it is so important to use natural or 'nature-identical' vitamins. A good multivitamin supplement also contains a few minerals and trace elements, aside from the vitamins. Like most vitamins, minerals and trace elements are essential components of a diet. You may recognize many of these substances: magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and so on. However, no living creature can generate these substances themselves. Minerals and trace elements enter the food chain through the absorption from the soil and water. By consuming vegetables, and possibly animal foods we get our minerals and trace elements. A limited amount is absorbed directly from drinking water. 

Some minerals and trace elements are abundant in our diet. Others are not so easy to obtain. That may be due to unbalanced diet, refined foods or agricultural lands which contain relatively few elements. A varied diet with a lot of vegetables, some meat, nuts, fish and / or seaweed provides enough of these essential nutrients. 

A nice feature of minerals and trace elements is that there are no 'replicas' of them as is often the case with synthetic vitamins. It is true that minerals and trace elements can more easily be overdosed than vitamins. Therefore it's important that a mineral supplement has the correct dosage. Many minerals and trace elements don't even have to be added because they are already fully present in a diet!


Per capsule: 75 mg, 20% RDA 

Let's start off with an important mineral that's usually added in limited quantities to a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Magnesium is, after the calcium, the most well-known mineral. Many people use a magnesium supplement because of the noticeably positive effect in their body. 

Functions of Magnesium 

Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in a many processes in the body. Magnesium contributes, among others, to the following: 

  • Reduces mental and physical fatigue
  • Normal energy production
  • Normal functioning of the nervous system
  • A good electrolyte balance
  • Normal functioning of muscles
  • Normal production of body proteins
  • Maintenance of a normal bone structure and teeth
  • Cell division
  • Normal psychological functioning 

Type of magnesium in Natural Multi 

As stated above, magnesium is a lot used as a supplement. There are supplements with very different magnesium compounds for sale. Of various compounds it's said that they are absorbed the best. Like magnesium citrate and magnesium lactate would be absorbed for about 90%. Magnesium oxide on the other hand would only be absorbed for 25%. 

What almost no-one knows is that the absorption of magnesium is measured over a relatively short time span in scientific studies. After about 4 hours the test is usually already finished. In a recent study, the absorption of various magnesium compounds were measured over a period of two days after intake. This study showed that the magnesium oxide is just as well absorbed as the 'better absorbable' forms. It just takes a lot longer. 

Magnesium oxide can be seen as a 'slow-release' form of magnesium. Therefore the choice of magnesium oxide in Natural Multi was quickly made. Magnesium oxide contains 4 to 6 times more magnesium per gram than most other magnesium compounds. In addition, magnesium oxide (per mg magnesium) leads less quickly to stomach and intestinal problems than, for example, magnesium citrate. 

Natural Multi contains per daily dose of 2 capsules 150 mg of magnesium from magnesium oxide, which is adequate for almost everyone.

The features and form of the magnesium mineral in magnesium oxide is 100% identical to magnesium found in foods. As with other trace elements and minerals, there are no unnatural replicas of magnesium.


Per capsule: 28 micrograms, 50% RDA 

Selenium is a very important trace element in the Natural Multi in our opinion. It was going to be added without any doubt, the only question was: how much and in which form. 

Selenium is mainly found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs and whole grains. There is relatively little selenium in the soil in Northern and Western Europe. Therefore also the food, plant and animal, contains relatively not a lot of selenium. 

Due to the low concentrations of selenium in food, the Finnish government even decided to add this element to fertilizers. Unfortunately this was not done in other European nations. 

In the United States, especially in the western part of the country, the soil has a good amount of selenium. As a result, the average American has a selenium intake of more than 100 micrograms per day. The average selenium intake in Europe is much lower. In the most surveyed European countries the intake was about 30 to 60 micrograms for people who have an omnivorous lifestyle. The Finns take in 100 to 110 micrograms of selenium because of the selenium enriched fertilizers. 

Many multivitamins or antioxidant supplements contain 200 micrograms of selenium per daily dosage. In combination with the selenium in a diet, this brings the total daily intake very close to the upper limit of 300 micrograms per day, that's set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and applies to an adult. 

Natural Multi contains a small and safe amount of selenium. The 55 micrograms per daily dosage of 2 capsules takes you approximately to the level of people who eat food from selenium rich soil. 

Functions of Selenium 

The human body uses the selenium trace element for various purposes. It contributes to the following: 

  • Normal functioning of the thyroid
  • Normal functioning of the immune system
  • Protection against oxidative stress
  • Maintenance of normal hair and nails
  • For men: maintaining normal sperm production 

Type of selenium in Natural Multi 

Different types of selenium is used supplements. The most commonly used forms are inorganic selenite, and organic amino acid compounds methyl selenomethionine and L-selenocysteine. Each form is processed in a different way by the body. 

Selenium rich inactivated yeast cells are added to Natural Multi. These yeast cells contain all three forms: a little bit of selenite, a reasonable amount of methyl-selenocysteine and a large proportion of L-selenomethionine. This way, all the selenium dependent processes are provided with this trace element in the body. 

The effect and form of the trace element selenium in enriched yeast is 100% identical to the selenium found in food products. As with other trace elements and minerals there are no unnatural replicas of selenium.


Per capsule: 75 micrograms, 50% RDA 

Iodine is the most important element in Natural Multi for many people. You may wonder why. The reason is that iodine only sufficiently occurs in natural quantities in fish, seafood and seaweed. However, many people do not eat those kinds of foods. This may have to do with taste preference or is related to pollution of the sea food. In a way, not eating seafood results in an iodine deficiency! 

Many people got sick in the past due to an iodine deficiency. Since 1942, iodized salt is added to bread. Special iodized salt currently contains 50 to 65 milligrams of iodine per kilogram. Six slices of bread contain about 2.4 - 3 grams of iodized salt. So, six slices of bread is good for approximately 150 micrograms of iodine. This quantity is equal to the recommended daily amount. 

Besides many people not eating seafood, an increasing number of people do not eat bread either. It is advisable to them to supplement iodine by the use of iodine-containing salt during cooking or by means of a dietary supplement. 

Functions of Iodine 

Iodine ensures that the following processes function properly: 

  • Cognitive functioning (thinking processes)
  • Energy delivering metabolism
  • Functioning of the nervous system
  • Maintenance of the skin
  • Functioning of the thyroid
  • Production of thyroid hormones 

Type of iodine in Natural Multi 

As said, iodine is very common in seafood. Seaweed is very rich in iodine for instance. A familiar iodized type of seaweed is kelp. Dried kelp is widely used as a dietary supplement. However, because kelp may contain many heavy metals it is not the best source of iodine. 

The body can absorb iodine in the form of a salt just fine, even better, than iodine from kelp. A commonly used salt compound is potassium iodide. Potassium iodide is the iodine salt as used in Natural Multi. 

Unlike iodized salt, potassium iodide is sodium free. Potassium iodide is a concentrated and effective source of iodine. Two capsules of Natural Multi contain 200 micrograms of potassium iodide which is 150 micrograms of iodine, in other words 100% of the recommended daily value. 

The effect and form of the trace element iodine in potassium iodide are completely identical to the iodine found in foods. As with other trace elements and minerals, there are no unnatural replicas of iodine.


Per capsule: 3.5 mg, 35% RDA 

Zinc is an element that mainly occurs in meat and shellfish. Zinc is present in much smaller concentrations in plant food. It's also harder for the body to absorb zinc from plant foods. 

Because a lot more people limit their meat consumption, we have chosen to give Natural Multi 7 milligrams of zinc (70% RDA) per daily dosage of 2 capsules. With a sufficient intake of zinc, like with a varied diet, this low amount of zinc doesn't cause an excess of zinc in the body. Even with a high meat consumption, an additional 7 mg is not an issue. 

Many multivitamin supplements contain a significant amount of zinc. Especially American supplements in the more expensive categories contain high concentrations, up to 30 mg per day. Recently 25 mg of zinc has been established as a safe threshold. 

Functions of zinc 

The trace element of zinc plays a lot of different roles in the human body. Zinc helps to ensure that the following processes proceed properly: 

  • DNA synthesis
  • Acid-base metabolism
  • Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins (macronutrients)
  • Cognitive functioning
  • Reproduction (fertility)
  • Structure of body proteins
  • Vitamin A metabolism
  • Maintenance of normal bone structure
  • Maintenance of normal skin, hair and nails
  • Maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood
  • Maintenance of normal vision
  • Functioning of the immune system
  • Protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Cell division 

Type of Zinc in Natural Multi 

The source of zinc in Natural Multi is zinc gluconate. Zinc is bound to gluconic acid in this compound. This mild acid is a substance that is related to glucose. Gluconic acid is very soluble and carries zinc bound to it very easy through the body. 

The effect and form of the trace element zinc in zinc gluconate are 100% identical to the zinc that can be found in foods. As with other trace elements and minerals, there are no unnatural replicas of zinc.


Per capsule: 0.25 mg, 25% RDA

A copper deficiency is rare. We need about 1 mg per day. In Europe, the average intake of copper is between 1.0 and 2.3 mg per day. 

The reason why copper has been added to Natural Multi is to preserve the natural balance with the zinc trace element. Another reason is that people who use sulfur supplements may have a slightly increased need for copper. 

The safe upper limit for the copper intake from food and supplements is set to 5 mg per day by the European Food Safety Authority. 

Functions of copper 

The copper trace element plays a lot of different roles in the human body. It helps to ensure that the following processes proceed properly: 

  • Preservation of normal connective tissue
  • Energy providing metabolism
  • Functioning of the nervous system
  • Coloring of the hair
  • Coloring of the skin
  • Iron transportation through the body
  • Functioning of the immune system
  • Protection of cells from oxidative stress 

Type of copper in Natural Multi 

Natural Multi contains a small amount of copper per daily serving (2 capsules). Only 1.2 mg of this mineral salt yields about 0.5 mg of copper, which is 50% of the RDA. 

The effect and form of the copper trace element in copper sulphate is 100% identical to the copper that can be found in foods. As with other trace elements and minerals, there are no unnatural replicas of copper.


Per capsule: 12.5 micrograms, 25% RDA 

Deficiencies of molybdenum have never been determined under normal conditions. Per day we need about 50 micrograms. In Europe, the average intake of molybdenum is about 100 micrograms. The reason that this trace element is added nevertheless is to preserve the natural balance with the copper element in Natural Multi. Furthermore, people who use sulfur supplements may have a slightly increased need for molybdenum. 

The safe upper limit for molybdenum intake from food and supplements is set by the European Food Safety Authority at 600 micrograms per day. 

Function of Molybdenum 

  • Molybdenum contributes to the normal metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids 

Type of Molybdenum in Natural Multi 

Natural Multi contains a minuscule amount of 77 micrograms of sodium per daily serving (2 capsules). This amount of mineral salt yields 25 micrograms of molybdenum, which is equivalent to 50% of the RDA. 

The effect and form of the molybdenum trace element in sodium molybdate is 100% identical to molybdenum found in foods. As with other trace elements and minerals, there are no unnatural replicas of molybdenum.


Per capsule: 5 mg 

Silicon is a bit of an odd duck. It currently does not hold the status of an essential mineral. Yet our body contains about 1 gram of silicon. 

Function of silicon 

It is believed that silicon is involved in the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives articular cartilage and the skin its sturdiness. When oxen are given extra silicon, the production of collagen in their skin increases. 

A positive side-effect of silicon is that it slows down the absorption of the toxic aluminum metal in our diet. 

Type of silicon in Natural Multi 

Unrefined and unprocessed foods contain plenty of silicon. Especially whole grains, vegetables, fruits and old-fashioned broths and stews in which the skin or bones of animals have been added to. The consumption of refined grains, fruits in the form of 'fruit drinks', insufficient amount of vegetables, and animal foods only in the form of muscle meat, contributes to a decrease of silicon absorption. 

10 milligrams of silicon is added to Natural Multi (per 2 capsules). This is a proper addition to the average daily intake of 30 milligrams. 

The silicon in Natural Multi is added in the form of a bamboo extract.

Contents Natural Multi

Per capsule % RDA
Nat. Prov. A
Nat. Vit. B1
Nat. Vit. B2
Nat. Vit. B3
Nat. Vit. B5
Nat. Vit. B6
Nat. Vit. B11
Nat. Vit. B12
Nat. Vit. C
Nat. Vit. D3
Nat. Vit. E
Nat. Vit. K2
280 mcg 1.65 mg 1.5 mg 2.55 mg 2.95 mg 1.65 mg 52 mcg
40 mg 12.5mcg 2.55 mg 15 mcg 0.25 mg 75 mcg
0.5 mg 75 mg 12.5mcg
28 mcg
5 mg
3.5 mg 
35% 150% 107% 16% 47% 118% 26%
50% 50% 250% 21% 20% 25% 50%
20% 25% 50%

Free of harmful minerals

Not all the essential minerals have been added to Natural Multi. This is a conscious choice. Most of the minerals do not need to be supplemented. And some of the minerals are potentially harmful to health if they are taken in the form of a dietary supplement. These minerals are best obtained from the normal diet. 

This applies particularly to iron and chromium. Iron from a supplement can accumulate in the body in the form of ferritin. A level of ferritin that is too high is detrimental to health. Iron in supplement form can also result in gastrointestinal problems and is the main cause of childhood deaths due to unintentional poisoning. 

There are indications that chromium from supplements can cause DNA damage. As a consequence, it could contribute to the development of cancer. 

Considering the dubious reputation of iron and chromium, these elements have not been included in Natural Multi. Calcium is also missing, because very few people need supplementation with this mineral. Read more below about our considerations with regard to iron, chromium, and calcium.


We have good reason to omit iron from Natural Multi, let us explain why. 

Iron is one of the best known trace elements. The body uses iron as a central component of the protein hemoglobin and myoglobin. Via iron, proteins transport oxygen throughout the body. 

The human body regulates the absorption of iron from foods according to how much it requires. Despite the regulation of iron, more iron will be stored in the body over time. Due to monthly blood loss, women are less prone to this than men. It is suggested that the reduced iron overload in women contributes to a higher life expectancy. 

Because 'loose' iron is a dangerous and reactive molecule, the excess of this element is 'locked-up' well by the body. Iron can be stored relatively safe in a protein that's called ferritin. However, if the ferritin level becomes too high it is still detrimental to your health. 

Meaningful anemia 

Sometimes the body moves the additional iron to the relatively safe ferritin with the goal to remove iron from the blood. One reason for the body to do this is to prevent a latent infection for instance. The infection may spread with the help of the iron from the blood. By making the iron more difficult to access the body keeps the infection under control. 

People feel tired due to the reduction of the ferrous hemoglobin in the blood, they get anemia. Many people with such an 'iron deficiency' want to solve this with an iron supplement. In this case that wouldn't be the right solution! Often the body does not even absorb the iron supplement. The body knows very well that iron is undesirable at that moment. In case of insufficient improvement of the anemia after use of an iron supplement sometimes iron injections are given. People with latent infection can suddenly become very ill. 

In some situations iron supplements are necessary. For example, after significant blood loss. Even then it's better to eat meat instead of using iron supplements. Iron in supplement form can cause intestinal problems. 

Conclusion: Supplementing the diet with iron in the form of a supplement may be harmful and is only necessary under certain circumstances. Iron is therefore not a suitable component of a good multivitamin.


There's uncertainty among nutritionists about the importance of the chromium element chromium and health. Do you even need this element? Or is it a dangerous heavy metal? 

As of yet there is still no strong evidence that chromium is essential for bodily processes. A chrome deficiency has never been conclusively determined in humans and there are no vital biochemical processes known wherein chrome plays a role. 

However, we do know that chrome can lower the blood sugar level. But such a biological effect is no indication that a substance is essential. Cinnamon can also lower the blood sugar level for example, and is therefore widely used by people with type 2 diabetes. But cinnamon is definitely not essential for the human body. 

Small amounts of chromium are present in the diet. In both meat and plant foods. The daily intake is about 50 to 100 micrograms. 

DNA damage by chromium 

Many people will say: 'It can't hurt to try'. When it comes to chrome we're not so sure. There are indications that well absorbable chromium from dietary supplements can cause DNA damage. This could possibly contribute to the development of cancer. 

With regards to the doubtful reputation of chromium, this element is not included in Natural Multi. 

We are aware of the fact that chromium enjoys some popularity because of its effect on the blood sugar level. People who suffer from poor blood sugar regulation (eg type 2 diabetes), we recommend to eat more fiber and exercise more. Training with weights is in particular is a very effective way to improve the blood sugar levels. 

Chromium is seen as an oppressor of the tendency to eat sweets. For those people we recommend to eat a low carb food in the morning and afternoon. Such a dietary adjustment will quickly lead to a healthier and slimmer body. 

Conclusion: Adding chromium to your diet in the form of a supplement may be harmful. A deficiency of chromium is highly unlikely. Chromium is therefore not a suitable component of a good multivitamin.


Calcium appears to be the most discussed mineral. In many large campaigns it's said that a high intake of calcium is essential for the growth and maintenance of bones. All the attention was in vain, unfortunately. Despite the relatively high calcium intake by many Europeans, there are still cases of osteoporosis. People who live traditionally, with a much lower calcium intake than Europeans do not suffer from osteoporosis. 

Multiple factors support the bone structure 

Calcium is indeed an essential component for bone growth but for the maintenance of a good bone structure, the physiology of the bone growth has to be seen in a wider perspective however. It turns out that calcium is only one single link in that chain. The other main factors for the maintenance of normal bone structure are vitamin D3 (like sunlight), vitamin K2, the mineral magnesium and especially exercising! 

Vitamin D3 ensures that dietary calcium is absorbed better. Vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium goes to the bones and teeth. Magnesium is an important mineral that, in addition to calcium, is necessary for a healthy bone growth. And exercise makes sure that bone growth needs to take place when there's pressure applied on the bone structure. The optimal care of the bone structure can only occur when all the conditions are met. 

The exercise factor works optimally when the body has to 'carry' itself. Walking is better for bone growth than cycling. Jumping rope for only one minute a day is a strong impetus for maintaining bone strength due to the relatively high peak load. Of course, jumping rope is not suitable for everyone! 

Our consideration in respect to calcium 

Extra calcium is not necessary for everyone and therefore it's not included in Natural Multi. A nutritional supplement which aims to maximize the support of the bone structure it makes sense to include calcium. However, it's important that the balance is maintained with other factors. Such a supplement should especially contain extra vitamin K2. Without K2 such a high intake of calcium could result of calcium deposits in soft tissue such as the blood vessels. We provide such a complete supplement: Osteo-10

Keep in mind that Natural Multi already gives a wide support to bone maintenance by means of Vitamin D, C, K2, the magnesium mineral and the zinc trace element. Together with the calcium from a varied diet Natural Multi provides sufficient nutrients to a healthy and active person. 

To support the (joint) cartilage we recommend Arthro-5, glucosamine or chondroitin.

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