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Fermented vitamin B vs. chemical vitamin B for digestive health

2024 October 4
by admin


The chemical vitamin B’s mess up my gastrointestinal system and I didn’t feel better. I tried one fermented from foods and it had a type of gum in it. I felt better than I ever had since some gastrointestinal surgeries 20 years ago. I don’t know if the lemon in yours would be a bladder irritant. Any thoughts on this?

Natural Vitamin B


Our Natural Vitamin B does not contain any type of gum. It contains extracts from guave, holy basil and lemon peel. The only addition to this concentrated fruit powder is rice starch (0.2 grams per capsule) which is needed to help the powder flow into the capsules during the filling process.

Unfortunately we don’t know if the lemon extract will be a bladder irritant for you. The powder still contains properties of the guava, holy basil and lemon peel. If lemon peel normally is a bladder irritant for you, it’s possible that this supplement will be too. There is unfortunately no other way to predict this but to try it out.

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