Special fish oil/omega-3 needed for pregnant women?
I am currently pregnant and I am really debating between fish oil capsules from you or those from MorDHA ‘especially’ for pregnant women etc. MorDHA contains at least 104mg EPA and 480mg DHA + 56mg other omega 3 fatty acids.
What do you recommend, does it make a big difference for me and my baby?
Many companies have claimed for years that EPA was important for adults, and DHA for those who are pregnant, (young) children and babies. Based on that assumption many DHA-only and EPA-only products have been brought on the market.
However, to our knowledge there has hardly been any research (or none at all) to the various proportions of the fatty acids EPA and DHA, and no proof that EPA or DHA would be better under certain circumstances. We also do not know of any research that has shown the differences between man/woman and pregnant woman.
Though, it has become clear to us that all people have quite different metabolisms. So a perfect balance doesn’t really exist anyway. Our recommendation: take plenty of fish oil with a normal, natural EPA / DHA ratio – in case of our fish oil: take two capsules a day and you’ll always have enough EPA and DHA available. Our body knows very well which proportions it should absorb.
Besides, EPA has also important features and an oil that mainly contains DHA might not have a sufficient amount of EPA.
Additionally, there may be something else. An oil with an unnatural balance of EPA and DHA can only be obtained chemically (chemically separating the fatty acids of the glycerol molecule and later only putting the EPA or DHA back).
We are not in favor of it, we keep the fish oil in its natural state as much as possible.
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